Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results
Program Agenda
LASER was two full days on October 15-16, 2014. The program agenda included a combination of invited talks, panel discussions, paper presentations, works in progress (WIP), and other group discussions, all aimed at helping workshop attendees learn more about effective methods to perform sound science in the challenging cyber security domain.
Day 1: October 15
08:00 - Breakfast (Provided) and Registration
08:30 - Opening Remarks
08:45 - Invited Talk: Operationalizing Science
Speaker: Deb Frincke (Director of Research & Development, NSA)
09:45 - Break
10:15 - Discussion: What Does it Mean to Do Science, and Are We Doing It?
Facilitator: John McHugh (University of North Carolina and Redjack)
11:15 - Paper: Clusters and Markers for Keystroke Typing Rhythms
Authors: Shing-hon Lau (CMU) and Roy Maxion (CMU)
12:00 - Lunch (Provided)
13:00 - Invited Talk: Why Does Reproducibility in Computation Science Deserve Our Attention?
Speaker: Victoria Stodden (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
14:15 - Panel: How Did We Get Into This Mess, and How Will We Get Out?
Panelists: Sami Saydjari (Cyber Defense Agency) and Shing-hon Lau (CMU)
15:15 - Break
15:45 - WIP: The Dirty Secrets of SOCs: Anthropology, Primitive Societies, and Security Operations Centers
Authors: John McHugh, et al. (University of North Carolina and Redjack), Sathya Sundaramurthy (Kansas State University), Xinming (Simon) Ou (Kansas State University, Michael Wesch (Kansas State University), and S. Raj Rajagopalan (Honeywell ACS Labs)
16:45 - Adjourn
18:30 - Hosted Dinner
Day 2: October 16
08:00 - Breakfast (Provided) and Registration
08:30 - Opening Remarks
08:45 - Invited Talk: Statistics Done Wrong: Pitfalls of Experimentation
Speaker: Alex Reinhart (CMU)
09:45 - Break
10:15 - Paper: Text Entry Method Affects Password Security
Authors: Yulong Yang (Rutgers University), Janne Lindqvist (Rutgers University), Antti Oulasvirta (Aalto University)
11:00 - WIP: Cognitive Effort in Privacy Decision-Making vs. 3 x 4: Evaluation of a Pilot Experiment Design
Authors: Kovila P. L. Coopamootoo (Newcastle University, UK) and Thomas Gross (Newcastle University, UK)
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - WIP: A Calibration Methodology for Networked Cybersecurity
Authors: Vineet Ghatge (USC), Prateek Jaipuria (USC) and Alefiya Hussain (USC)
14:00 - Invited Talk: Experiment Design
Speaker: Roy Maxion (CMU)
15:00 - Break
15:30 - Discussion and Closing Remarks
16:15 - Adjourn